
Showing posts from September, 2020

Tanzin v. Tanvir (Argument October 6, 2020)

Argument: October 6, 2020 Decision: TBA Petitioner Brief: FNU Tanzin, et al. Respondent Brief: Muhammad Tanvir, et al. Opinion Below: Second Circuit Court of Appeals   What’s the Recourse Against Federal Officers Who Violate Your Religious Freedom? The plaintiffs in this case are American Muslim men who were approached by the FBI to act as informants. When asked, some of the men were threatened with deportation and arrest, and in other cases they were promised financial benefits.  Each of the men rejected the offers, telling the federal agents they didn’t have any information and preferred not to spy on their communities. Spying, in fact, is against the Islamic moral code . After saying no, the men were harassed and placed on the federal “No Fly List”, despite that none of them had a criminal record.  The “No Fly List” is a terrorist watchlist administered by the FBI. A person on the list cannot board a plane that starts in, ends in, or flies over the United States. Yo