New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. New York City
Argument: December 2, 2019 Petitioner Brief : New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al Respondent Briefs : City of New York, et al Court below: United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit Supreme Court wants a piece of the NYC gun rights case Up until a couple of months ago, New York City laws prevented licensed gun owners from traveling outside the City with their handguns. A handgun owner who only had a “premises” license only could travel with the gun to one of several authorized shooting ranges in the City. The City allowed a few limited exceptions for taking the gun elsewhere, like to a gunsmith or to hunt just outside of the City, but the licensee would have to get written permission from the Police Department. Generally, though, the laws made clear that handguns are for self-defense in the home, and traveling with the gun is only for training at designated places within the City. NYC had reasons for doing this. For safety, of course. As NYC tells th...